Fittingly named Duo Uve meaning"Two Grapes," this unique and innovative estate-bottled wine is a light blended wine perfect for summer time.
Technical Data:Blend of 50% Pinot Grigio and 50% Sauvignon Blanc. The two wines are combined only after vinification is complete. Aged in stainless steel vats until ready for bottling, which precedes its sale by about six months.
Description:Intense straw yellow color. Strongly aromatic with characteristic notes of ripened peach and citrus fruits against a background of white flowers typical of Sauvignon Blanc from Italy. The strongly textured, velvety taste of Pinot Grigio harmonizes with the aromatic component of Sauvignon.
Food Pairings & Service:Serve chilled as an accompaniment to fish, hors d’oeuvres, or soups
Suggested Retail Price:$14.99
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